Thursday, December 16, 2010

"I could write a blog, I have thoughts!"

Today, S and I tried a new place. The Shamrock Rose and Thistle. It is this cute little British style eatery/pub/tea room. I want to take more pictures of the interior just so you can see how beautiful it is! Antique furniture, old pianos, adorable clover patterned china. Well, S and I wanted to try a new tea. We had what the server recommended, some rose green tea or another. I have the name written down on the menu she insisted we take with us. But it is in my car and this girl is NOT getting up! Due to the fact that S and I are now watching Julie & Julia. And I feel as if I owe the movie a slight bit more of my attention so I will be going now. 9 Days until Christmas!!!!! ;)


I saw mommy kissing Santa...

Okay, not really. But I did, however, witness my mother's baptism this past Sunday. Better late than never, right?! It was actually a nice day for the (dysfunctional) family! Minimal bickering and lots of laughs. :)

Hmm, okay. So I have been a horrible crack mother to my baby blog. Finals week was a wee bit stressful. But finals are over (and I did wonderful, if I do say so myself!) so now I can spend much more time in the blogosphere. I cannot wait to get my blog stalking on! I know you all have posted some lovely new words and pictures for me to just eat up!

Anyway, in closing, I thank you for your patience and I am now off to be more interesting so people will actually want to read about me! ;)


Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Ladies can be lazy, too.

S and I had a lazy day. Tea, magazines, playing with the doggie (Maddie). Well, if you consider bathing her playing with her. I tell you, I will never again give a Lab a bath inside. BIG mistake! Anyway, I promise to post something more interesting soon! Studying for finals is a big pain in the.....

Love, A.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Let's talk like adults.

S and I went downtown today to goof around with the camera! Starbucks followed suit, of course. Now, I must get ready for work. Ahh, the life I live!


Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Don't ever lose your shine, sweetheart.

Okay, so today was pretty much a blur. Literally. It was so freakin' rainy outside I could barely see a thing! It made for a nice nap, though! S and I are going to have a nice little girl's day tomorrow before I work. But since today wasn't interesting enough to talk about I thought I'd share my future goals with you. :)

1. I will be learning Espanol in January! (I took 3 semesters in high school but if you don't use it, you lose it I suppose.)
2. I definitely want to find an internship for Summer 2011. (Doing what? Hmm, good question. But something with communications for sure.)
3. Ahh, Summer 2012... GERMANY!!!!! (S is going to hook me up with a summer job when she moves back. And we are hoping to spend a week in PARIS while I am there!)
4. And I really think I want to work in Atlanta. (Hilary is totally down to move with me. I need something a little more busy and exciting than...Alabama...)

That's about all I have for now. I feel like I can make it happen easier if I focus on just a few things at a time, haha.


Monday, November 29, 2010

"What do you say we go up in flames together?"

Ahhhh!!! A new episode of Gossip Girl tonight. You're obsessed, too. I know. WTF is going to happen with Chuck and Blair? I feel like a giddy 15 year old watching them sometimes. I love it! :)

Black Friday... yeah...

I know it's been quite a few days now since I have posted, whoops. S and I weren't originally planning on attenting any Black Friday shopping adventures. But my mom asked me to chaperone my sister, cousin, and a few of their friends. And, of course, like a wonderful daughter, I obliged. We shopped, we ate, we drank energy drinks. The whole shebang. S had to work at 3:30 AM (torturous, right?! poor ole S) so after conquering the Tanger Outlets about 45 minutes from Mobile, we took S to work, and went to our native Bel Air Mall. Yes, I shopped for 11 hours straight. It's not nearly as glamourous as you'd think. Here are a couple of pictures to show just how "glamourous" I was looking during this catastrophe. (Note: Deathgrip on Redbull, definitely IN.)

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

This one's for you.

S and I had a great afternoon!  :) We explored the beautiful Cathedral, roamed around aimlessly, and had lunch at Spot of Tea. (Blueberry Tea, mmmm. I had Loaded Potato Soup and S had the Seafood Bisque. Scrumptious!) Now, The Devil Wears Prada is on and S is chatting with her German Romeo. Ahhh. Nap time? ;)

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Just fabulous, dahhling.

Today was my first off day in months. It was absolutely amazing! Sam (The Delightful Experience) and I started off by seeing Harry Potter 7! (Yes, it WAS wonderful!) After, we headed to the mall and began part two of our day by treating ourselves to some Starbuck's seasonal lattes. (Caramel Brulee Latte, highly recommended.) Did you know that Starbucks has a two for one deal with their holiday drinks right now? Awesome, I know!!! We had sushi at a new place in the mall, Rock N Rock Sushi. It was delish. :) Then, we picked up a few things for ourselves and a few gifts for our precious loved ones! To put the cherry on top of our day we went to Fresh Market and had a little feast in front of the TV. (The OC. Sam is now addicted, fyi.) Blueberry Green Tea, Herb and Garlic Goat Cheese, Petit Toast, Spinach and Artichoke Hummus. Mmmmmmmmm. Just fabulous. :)

Here's a few pictures to document our day. I'll upload a picture of the new skirt I got today once the outfit is complete! The scarf below was meant to be a gift but I couldn't bear to part ways with it. :/ Oh, and yes, Sam and I did get those glamourous little eye masks and night caps. Apparently, the mask blocks out light when the sun creeps in and helps with undereye circles! Enjoy!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Everything is just beautiful.

I am young. I don't expect to be anyone's idea of wise or inspirational. But I aspire to that. Recently, I've lusted for culture. For new somethings. I don't want to overlook anything at this point. So far, this is what I think:

The world itself is beautiful. Full of different stories and inspiration. Seek the company of those who amplify your good qualities. If you are looking for who you are, search the world over. Don't settle. Refrain from rejecting new ideas and places. Make your own rules, with class and pride. Allow no one to break you. But should it happen, soak yourself in the sun and bloom more gracefully than ever. Don't search for love. I hear it's best when able to consume you by suprise. Love yourself, above all else. For if everything is taken from you, love still exists.

Sunday, October 17, 2010


So, S and I wanted to go to the mall to shop for a dress for the engagement party.... They close early on Sundays!! How could we forget!?!? Anyway, this first picture is how I feel about Sunday mall hours. And the second one is the beautiful detail on the top I was wearing. iPhone photography, please keep in mind. ;)

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Put Your Big Girl Panties On...

Today, M (other BFF and roommate) and I went to a friend's baby shower. (S had to work, sadly.)It was absolutely adorable. Everything looked perfectly pulled together from the sparkling grapefruit punch to the precisely arranged fine silver on the linen lined tables. We did the normal baby shower things: baby games, cake, presents, etc. It made me super excited for the new baby to arrive so I will have a little baby girl to spoil. :) I'm personally too young for my own child and have a lot more to learn before I take the courageous leap into motherhood. So I shall live vicariously through my friends who have chosen to reproduce earlier than I!

However, as magical as my morning was... I had to return home to pay bills and start my Christmas shopping early. Like a big girl. Paying bills isn't fun. I guess this is what I get for partying too much freshman year and losing that hefty scholarship of mine. Go April. Anyway, I paid a little tuition and bought a few things for family. Giving is good, giving is good, giving is good.

Another thing I need to get over... the fact that I work every weekend. ALL weekend. I work in a few hours and could be there until after Midnight. Great.

But on the bright side, (!!!) working a lot means more money. Which means more rewarding myself for the good things. Such as those awesome test scores last week, early Christmas shopping, and paying off this semesters tuition soon! I had a weak moment at 1:30 AM... involving VS Online and a $15 coupon. Hey, it was a good deal.

I guess that's everything that was on my mind.


Here is an adorable photo of the only man in the house, Milo, wanting his fluffy tummy rubbed. And then a pathetic one of him in the bath sporting his "Milo Hawk". If you don't think he is one of the most precious things ever then we probably wouldn't be friends. ;)